Picture of Dixie - a mini-Goldendoodle puppy in front of a tree.

Dogs Livin' The McCall Life

A few McCall dogs living their best life in the mountains and streams we call home.

2 min read

After last week's email, we received a slew of photos of McCall dogs living their best lives in the mountains and streams we call home.

Here's a selection for your Friday viewing pleasure...

Harry Ass Truman (Tru)
The hiking partner.

"So sorry to hear about Snickers. Part of the companionship with our pets is the responsibility to take care of each other, and it looks like you helped Snickers live his best life.  

Here is my hiking pal Tru (his full name is Harry Ass Truman, but we’re into brevity). He’s a Pyrenees rescue we have had since he was a pup. He is three now, and loves going anywhere we go. These photos are from a wet hike to Upper Hazard lake earlier this year."
— Joe Pope

The kind-hearted people lover.

"Being with her people, and strangers, is her favorite thing. She loves people, especially kids, more than she loves other dogs. She’s a mini Goldendoodle. "
— The Caseys

The mountain dog.

"Here are a couple photos of Kinley to start. You may regret asking for dog photos 😉."
— The Wrights

We'd love to publish more photos of your four-legged friends. Feel free to email info@northstarpubs.com with your photos or simply reply to this email.

Have a great weekend!